
some text

Build Faster

A bespoke theme in less time

Ideal for pixel-perfect conversions of designs created in applications like Figma, Sketch or Illustrator, and ready for development in minutes.

Tailwind, pre-configured
Go from download to a Tailwind-built CSS file in two commands.
Your WordPress editor of choice
Preview styles in the block editor, the classic editor and ACF WYSIWYG fields.
Ready for theme.json
Enter colors and widths in your theme.json file for immediate access via Tailwind.
Bundle all the JavaScript
Hit the ground running with JavaScript bundling via esbuild.
Use updated build commands for compatibility with Tailwind 3’s just-in-time compiler.
Quick builds
Create an upload-ready theme archive with a single command.
Delightfully minimal
Support for the WordPress block editor
Use Esbuild or Laravel Mix for compiling
Shares colors and font sizes between Tailwind and theme.json
Use the handy TailPress installer d